Saturday, April 16, 2011

Little Dana Comes Out of Her Shell

If you've followed along with this set of fosters, you'll know that Dana has been the toughest feral to tame.  For the last week I'v taken the safety of the box away and covered my bed with cat beds.  Dana hid for awhile but eventually chose a bed and stuck to it.  She LOVES to be pet as you will see evidenced in the following video:


  1. I'm so glad she's getting more comfortable!

    My name is Oskar & I have a blog that I'd love for you to check out, It's a great place for pet bloggers to find each other and get some exposure!

    Nubbin wiggles,

  2. Loved it when little Dana starts kneading your hand with her paws! So sweet.

  3. Dana: I'm sure if I keep trying I can milk come out of this hand somehow!

    Very sweet kittehs! I was only feral for 10-12 weeks but I've never quite gotten over it. The Human can pet me and stuff, but I am skittish about the whole getting picked up thing, and I mostly never do laps. I must say I like the beds and the toyz and the food though ;-)

  4. What a sweetie! Just a day at a time, little Dana!
